Ah, for the days before road rage, when sticking your tongue out at an offending motorist wasn't guaranteed to get you shot.
Speaking of which, we have the under dash holster!

Of course, the area of automotive security wouldn't be complete without mention of this little alarm beauty which shocks anyone who touches the car!

Certainly something that was invented before lawsuits became so common. However, it pales with what they have in South Africa: Flamethrowers! There's even video of it roasting a mannequin!
For the busy traveler, we have the rear seat dining table.

If you're over about the age of 30, you no doubt remember back when cars had hood ornaments. These were emblems which stuck up above the hood of the car and proudly declared the make and/or model of your car. These were holdovers from back when cars had large, low-pressure radiators on the front of the car. They disappeared for two reasons. One was that they screwed up the aerodynamics of the car, the other was that they were easy pickings for thieves. Rolls-Royce for a while had one that would disappear into the car when it was parked to prevent this, but I don't know if they still have it, and I don't think that anyone else offered this feature. I do have to wonder what rap culture would be like if this little beauty of a hood ornament had caught on.

I always thought that car seats were invented in the 1980s. That, however, is not the case, as this one dates from 1935.

Every now and then people worry about folks who are colorblind being behind the wheel of a car. After all, color blind folks tend to have problem with red and green, and those are the colors chosen for use on traffic lights. Folks who are colorblind say that it's not really that big of a deal. Still, someone was concerned enough about it in the 1940s to design glasses to enable the colorblind to "see" colors.

Remember the flap about Mitt Romney hauling the family dog in a crate on top of the minivan? I have to wonder out this would have gone over with folks if it were introduced today.

Slightly less lethal for Fido, is the canine car seat which clamped to the back of the front seat. Sure, it gives the dog a great view of the outside world, but the moment you slam on the brakes, you're going to get the dog thrown into your neck. This would be pretty bad if it was something like a toy poodle, but can you imagine what would happen if you had something like a great dane up there?

Despite what people might think, airbags were first invented in the late 1960s, as this article on it being an option for Mercedes shows.

Most people today aren't familiar with the now extinct Packard Motor Car Company. It was started in 1899 in Warren, OH, by a Dr. Ward Packard. Legend has it that Dr. Packard was dissatisfied with the Oldsmobile he'd recently purchased, and when he went to the dealer to complain he was met with the response, "Well, if you know so much about cars, why don't you start your own car company?" Which he did. Packard was really an American equivalent of Mercedes or Rolls Royce. The cars were extremely luxurious for their time, had a reputation for being fast, and extremely well built. They were also great innovators, and for a time had more automotive patents than any other car company. In 1938, they introduced air conditioning as an option, and they correctly predicted that one day it would become standard equipment.