In the late 1920s/early 1930s, the Federal government shelled out money for a car called the "Triphibian." It was supposed to be able drive on roads, fly, and travel on water.

Not very pretty is it? And nobody seems to know if it worked or not, as it promptly burst into flames the first time it was tested and the driver/inventor had to be pulled from the flaming mass by the photographers.

In the 1930s we were promised the "gyrocar."

Of course, right now, we have the Moller Skycar, which we're promised will be available for sale "any day now." There's also the Terrafugia Transition which is supposed to be ready at about the same time as the Moller (i.e. never). And while they might be nice and all, I have to say that, if I'm going to have a "flying car" type of vehicle, they're really not what I want. No, what I want is a:
Flying Tank!!!!

Can you imagine the fun you could have with one of those? Spot some jerk illegally parked in the Forbidden Handicapped Zone and "explain it to him" as to why he's wrong! Are you "Employee of the Month" but some jerk's taken your spot? Let him know you're not happy with a quick blast from your cannon!
If I can't have a flying tank, can I at least have this flying spotter "bike"?